Drinks, Milk Tea, Shop

Matcha Brown Sugar Deerioca Milk – The Alley

Today I went back to the Spectrum for my Apple store run part 2, but this time scheduled an appointment to finally get my laptop screen fixed, and hopefully my battery problem too. The line was much shorter today, maybe because it’s slightly earlier in the day than when I went last week. Welp, obviously can’t expect the repair to be right away, so I’m going to have to live without my laptop for about a week I guess. Good thing I just got a new computer for work…

Anyways, since we’re at the spectrum, it’s again “time for tea”, or The Alley! Yes, I snuck their motto in there. Today’s also more chill than last week, so my parents, who went with me today, and I could leisurely stroll from the Apple store to the other side to The Alley. Today I went with the matcha version of their signature milk drink for some added tea and flavor to the brown sugar milk drink. Personally, it’s a more complete drink with something other than milk, but that’s just me…*shrug* As with last week, no sugar adjustments on Deerioca drinks otherwise less boba, but that’s fine.

I really like their matcha! I can tell that The Alley really uses quality matcha for their drinks from the first sip of matcha taste that I had. It does initially have a slightly powder-y feel that people sometimes complain about, but I did mix it to distribute the matcha powder and brown sugar syrup more evenly, and it’s really not noticeable, but enhances the experience for me. One of the better matcha drinks for me in recent experience, and though I couldn’t adjust the sugar level, it actually doesn’t taste that sweet, and it’s overall pretty balanced. The boba is as great as last week, nicely chewy and sweet, and has that really great roasty brown sugar flavor to it.

Details: Matcha Brown Sugar Deerioca Milk; large; regular milk; no ice; from The Alley (Irvine Spectrum)

Matcha Brown Sugar Deerioca Milk
Matcha Brown Sugar Deerioca Milk

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