Drinks, Fruit Tea, Milk Tea, Shop

Mango Milk Tea (マンゴーミルクティー) – Gong Cha

Here’s another day trip in Sapporo, to do another food run, and some not so window shopping. Read about my day on my Japan blog here! Now, I would have tried to gone to somewhere not Gong Cha since I’ve been frequenting Gong Cha for the most part, but Gong Cha recently released a new mango milk tea, and I gotta try that in case it’s limited, you know…

Today’s choice was obvious, and that’s the new mango drink, duh. I love myself a good mango flavored item, and there’s no possible way to go wrong with mango, right? Now, supposedly it comes with jasmine green tea in it, but from how weak their jasmine was last time, I’m assuming this drink is really just going to be a mango milk, which as a one time thing, I’m fine with. It also only comes in medium, and iced.

As I expected, it really is mostly a mango milk, with not much tea flavor. That aside, the mango flavor is very strong, doesn’t taste that fake, and is a very good for a mango drink. I’m fairly certain that they use real mango purée. It pairs nicely and works well as a mango milk. I know for their milk teas their “milk” is really just a creamer powder, so I’m curious as to if this is real milk or not, since the milk flavor is actually there behind the mango. Unfortunately, this time I did not see them make it. The boba is pretty good today, solid chew, and missing no flavor in a very flavorful drink.

Details: Mango Milk Tea; medium; less sugar; pearl; from Gong Cha (Sapporo Apia)

Mango Milk Tea
Mango Milk Tea

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