Drinks, Milk Tea, Shop

Cookie & Cream Chocolat Milk Tea (サクほろっ!クッキー&クリームショコラミルクティー) – Gong Cha

Today I’m in Sapporo, because it’s a holiday (Happy birthday to the emperor!), and mainly to do some eating (what’s new?), and Kirby hunting. Spoiler: some went well, some didn’t (but you can check my other blog for those details later). I’m at Gong Cha for my boba home today because of their new seasonal.

Okay, but is it really “New”? Isn’t this the same as the one last year but with a different name?Officially, this one has Earl Grey chocolate Tea with chocolate and milk foam, and bitter cocoa cookies inside and as a topping for luxurious feel. According to my last year’s post there was only cookie on top and pudding in the drink, and base seems to be the same. They seemed to have removed the pudding and replaced it with more cookie.

I can’t do a side by side with last year’s for obvious reasons, but overall, I really like this one! I’m a chocolate girlie, and the drink itself first tastes like chocolate, but not too sweet or bitter, and then has a bit of a tea aftertaste. Boba is good, pretty chewy. Of course the cookies, standard chocolate cookies, are going to disintegrate as they sit in the drink, but the initial crunch was nice. Surprisingly, although the outside was soggy, the inside still had a bit of a crunch despite sitting in the drink for a while.

Details: Cookie & Cream Chocolat Milk Tea; medium; less ice; less sugar; pearl; from Gong Cha (Sapporo Apia)

Cookie & Cream Chocolat Milk Tea
Cookie & Cream Chocolat Milk Tea

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